Andrea Calsolaro

Painter and freelance graphic designer, video editor with a passion for music compositions, and an interest for photography and photo manipulation. Andrea has lived and traveld in various countries researcing new ideas in the art world.

Daniele Calsolaro

Has lived all his life with his brother and has basically followed his same interests. His true passion is video editing and photography. He composes various video clips in his personal style. Painter, designer and video editer.
Andrea and Daniele Calsolaro are twin brothers with a true passion for art and design. Artistic drawing was a big passion since childhood and toghether they studied art school in Italy. In 2006 they moved to the Netherlands where they began their Calsolaroart business where they explored the art area with oil paintings and national expositions. Since 2010 they are busy evolving in various art sectors such as multimedia designing as freelancers, video and audio production and photography.